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Canton Ophthalmologist Creates Pen-Cleaning Device Using UV Light


How Steri-Write uses cutting-edge sanitation tech to clean pens used in healthcare settings

When you sign in at the doctor’s office, have you ever considered how many people have touched the pen you used to fill out your form? How many of those people are sick? How many are contagious? When was the last time the pen was cleaned? For ophthalmologist Brian Wind, these questions led to the creation of Steri-Write, a pen sanitizing system meant to quickly and efficiently clean one of the germiest items in healthcare.

“Many studies have demonstrated the fact that bacteria and viruses live on communal pens,” said Wind. “One recent study showed that 64% of communal pens are contaminated with some bacteria or virus that causes illnesses — from the common cold to more serious diseases. They also found that 6% of these were contaminated with MRSA, methicillin-resistant staph aureus, which is a very bad germ. We created Steri-Write to be the world’s first sanitizer that delivers a clean writing instrument on demand.”

To continue reading, visit this link to read the article from TechOhio.

This article was posted on September 29, 2020 by TechOhio.

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